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Forfatterens bildeAre Knudsen

Photography basics

Oppdatert: 7. mai 2020

Starting out in photography, participating at workshops and watching online tutorials was definitively what improved my skills the most.

Now I would like to give back to the community and create my own tutorials for aspiring photographers. But what would you like to learn?

If you've got other stuff on your wish list, I'd love to hear from you!

I aim to keep it pretty basic; a simple interest in photography will be enough to put the new knowledge to use and improve your work.

Three classes

For starters I plan three short «classes». First I'll be going through my «go to» gear and explain what it's all for. Next I'll put it to use in the studio and build a one, two and three strobe/speed light setups. Finally I'll take one of the images into Lightroom for a quick and easy edit.

If you've got other stuff on your wish list, I'd love to hear from you!

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